SearchSploit: Guide to Exploit Database Search

searchsploit common use cases

  • Finding exploits for a specific software or hardware product to test its security
  • Staying up to date on the latest vulnerabilities and exploitation techniques
  • Researching and learning about different exploitation techniques
  • Identifying and analyzing vulnerabilities in systems or networks
  • Searching for exploits that can be used in penetration testing or security assessments

Overall, Searchsploit is a useful tool for anyone interested in staying informed about vulnerabilities and exploitation techniques, and it is often used by professionals in the cybersecurity field to perform various tasks related to vulnerability management and penetration testing.

how to Install searchsploit?

To install Searchsploit, you will need to have the Exploit Database repository cloned on your system. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Make sure you have Git installed on your system. If not, install it by running the following command:
  sudo apt-get install git 
  • Clone the Exploit Database repository by running the following command:
 git clone 

This will create a new directory called exploitdb in your current working directory, which contains all the files for the Exploit Database

  • Change your current working directory to the exploitdb directory by running the following command:
cd exploitdb
  • Run the setup script to install Searchsploit by running the following command:
./searchsploit --setup

This will create a symbolic link to the searchsploit script in the /usr/local/bin directory, which allows you to run the tool from any location on your system.Once the installation is complete, you can run Searchsploit by simply typing searchsploit followed by your search query. For example, to search for exploits related to the Apache web server, you can run the following command:

searchsploit Apach

This will display a list of all the exploits related to the Apache web server that are available in the Exploit Database.

searchsploit example commands

To search for a specific exploit, you can use the -w option followed by your search query. For example, to search for an exploit for the Apache web server, you can run the following command:

searchsploit -w Apache

To search for a specific exploit by its ID, you can use the -id option followed by the ID of the exploit. For example, to search for the exploit with ID EDB-ID:1234, you can run the following command:

searchsploit -id 1234

To search for a specific type of exploit, you can use the -t option followed by the type of exploit you are looking for. For example, to search for all PHP exploits, you can run the following command:

searchsploit -t PHP

To view the full details of a specific exploit, you can use the -x option followed by the ID of the exploit. For example, to view the full details of the exploit with ID EDB-ID:1234, you can run the following command:

searchsploit -x 1234

To list all the available exploits in the database, you can use the -l option. For example, to list all the available exploits, you can run the following command:

searchsploit -l

You can find more options and usage examples in the Searchsploit documentation, which you can access by running the following command:

searchsploit --help


SearchSploit is a tool for searching and utilizing exploits from the Exploit Database, a repository of publicly available exploits and vulnerabilities. It is a valuable tool for security professionals and researchers who are interested in identifying and leveraging vulnerabilities in systems and networks. With SearchSploit, users can easily search the Exploit Database for specific exploits and use them to test the security of their systems or demonstrate the vulnerabilities of others. Whether you’re looking to test the security of your own systems or research vulnerabilities in other systems, SearchSploit is an essential tool to have in your toolkit.

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