Elasticsearch servers step by step

check for how to set up a secure network lab

List of models Elasticsearch Beats

Below is a list of Beats and their role in collecting and processing the data.


Reading and collecting log files, supports a large number of formats that allow it to index and transfer the logs Directly to elasticsearch


use for monitor activities and usage of Elasticsearch servers


collect network logs by listening to network traffic, include advance filtering and parsers


Collecting Windows events for example security events


Collecting logs from Linux systems, can use also as FIM and system changes


Checking system data such as CPU usage, resource size


Monitoring cloud services such as AWS Lambda and send events to Elastic Stack

common Elasticsearch Infrastructure

Elasticsearch Architecture
Elasticsearch Cluster Architecture

Here are some general guidelines for the system requirements of an Elasticsearch server:
  1. Memory: Elasticsearch requires a significant amount of memory for proper operation, particularly for the JVM heap size. As a general rule, you should allocate at least 2GB of memory for the JVM heap, and have available at least 4GB of physical memory on the machine.CPU: Elasticsearch is generally CPU-intensive, and you should aim for a machine with at least two cores.Storage: Elasticsearch stores data in the form of indices, which can take up a significant amount of space. You should ensure that you have sufficient storage capacity to accommodate your data needs. Elasticsearch can run on local storage, but it is generally recommended to use a separate storage solution such as a network-attached storage (NAS) or a storage area network (SAN).Operating system: Elasticsearch is supported on a wide range of operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and macOS.

It’s also important to note that these are just general guidelines, and the actual system requirements may vary depending on the specific needs of your Elasticsearch deployment.

structure of Elasticsearch

The structure of Elasticsearch consists of the following main components:

  • Indices: An index is a collection of documents that have a similar structure. Indices are used to store and retrieve data in Elasticsearch.
  • Types: A type is a subset of an index that has a specific structure. Types are used to store and retrieve data within an index.
  • Documents: A document is a basic unit of information in Elasticsearch. It consists of a set of key-value pairs, or fields, and can be indexed, searched, and retrieved.
  • Mapping: Mapping is the process of defining the structure of a document in Elasticsearch. It involves specifying the fields and data types of a document, as well as other metadata such as analyzers and indexing options.
  • Shards: A shard is a partition of an index that is stored on a specific node in the Elasticsearch cluster. Shards are used to distribute the data stored in an index across multiple nodes, allowing Elasticsearch to scale horizontally and handle large volumes of data.
  • Replicas: A replica is a copy of a shard that is stored on a different node in the Elasticsearch cluster. Replicas are used to provide fault tolerance and improve the availability of data in the event of node failures.

Overall, the structure of Elasticsearch is designed to allow for the efficient storage, indexing, and retrieval of large volumes of data. It is highly scalable and can be used to search and analyze data from a variety of sources.

Operating Systems

Elasticsearch can be deployed on the following systems:

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • deb
  • rpm
  • docker

Installing Elasticsearch on Ubuntu 20.04

System requirements

Node018GB memory + 4 cores + 100GB disk size9200
-Request 9300 -Cluster
SSH – Management
Node028GB memory + 4 cores + 100GB disk size9200
-Request 9300 -Cluster
SSH – Management
Node038GB memory + 4 cores + 100GB disk size9200
-Request 9300 -Cluster
SSH – Management

List of possible roles

  • master
  • data
  • data_content
  • data_hot
  • data_warm
  • data_cold
  • data_frozen
  • ingest
  • ml – Machine learning node
  • remote_cluster_client
  • transform

Learn more about each role here

Installing servers

Ubuntu server 20.04 operating system deployment for Node01, Node02, Node03,

Installing Ubuntu for elasticsearch

  • Static IP address
  • DNS address
Setting a static IP address for Ubuntu 20.04
  • server and user information

enable SSH Server

Setting up a Firewall for Elasticsearch

sudo ufw enable

Opening ports to Elasticsearch Management

sudo ufw allow ssh comment “Management port”

sudo ufw allow 9200 comment “Elasticsearch requests”

sudo ufw allow 9300 comment “Elasticsearch cluster used”

Checking the status of the firewall on the servers

ufw status

Elasticsearch Default firewall rules

Software requirements

Net tool installation

apt install net-tools

Import PGP keys

wget -qO – https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch | sudo apt-key add –

Installing Transport-https

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https

Add a new source for downloads

echo “deb https://artifacts.elastic.co/packages/7.x/apt stable main” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-7.x.list

Installing Elasticsearch by apt

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install elasticsearch = 7.14.2

Installing  Metricbeat

Installing metricbeat on each server will allow us to monitor all servers from Kibana

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install metricbeat = 7.14.2

Edit settings in the metricbeat.yml file

nano /etc/metricbeat/metricbeat.yml

Because a minimum security is not yet set for Elasticsearch , you do not have to enter an elasticsearch password

host: “”

Run a model from Elasticsearch-xpack

metricbeat modules enable elasticsearch-xpack

Enable Metricbeat in the server boot

sudo systemctl enable metricbeat

Run Metricbeat

service metricbeat start

It is required to repeat all the settings above for each server we want to add to elasticsearch cluster.

Change Elasticsearch settings

There are three configuration files on each server:

  • elasticsearch.yml Elasticsearch default settings
  • jvm.options Java settings
  • log4j2.properties Log settings for Elasticsearch

Edit elasticsearch.yml file,

cd / etc / elasticsearch

sudo nano elasticsearch.yml

Change values ​​in elasticsearch.yml file for Node01:

#Cluster name

cluster.name: main

#Node name

node.name: node01

#Node roles

node.master: true

#Listen to all network interfaces


#Discover all nodes on main cluster

discovery.seed_hosts: [“”, “”, “”]

Change values ​​in the elasticsearch.yml file for Node02

#Cluster name

cluster.name: main

#Node name

node.name: node02

node.data: true

#Listen to all network interfaces


discovery.seed_hosts: [“”, “”, “”]

Change values ​​in the elasticsearch.yml file for Node03

#Cluster name

cluster.name: main

#Node name

node.name: node03

#Configure node for machin learning

node.ml: true

#Listen to all network interfaces


discovery.seed_hosts: [“”, “”, “”]

Elasticsearch run as system service

Check if the system uses systemd or sysvinit

ps –no-headers -o comm 1

Getting Elasticsearch up and running + Adding up to 3 minutes standby time

sudo mkdir /etc/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service.d

echo -e “[Service] \ nTimeoutStartSec = 180” | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service.d/startup-timeout.conf

sudo / bin / systemctl daemon-reload
sudo / bin / systemctl enable elasticsearch.service

Run Elasticsearch

service elasticsearch start

service elasticsearch status

Elasticsearch test

Run metricbeat with the server

sudo systemctl enable metricbeat

Checking Cluster Settings Serving Node01

curl -X GET “localhost: 9200 / _cluster / health? pretty & pretty”

Elasticsearch cluster status
Elasticsearch cluster health status

Next steps

Installing Kibana step by step

Elasticsearch Enables minimal security

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